PC Fair & Graduation Party

PC FAIR April 11th 2009
There wasn't any hall selling speakers in this PC Fair. Hate the main exhibition hall very much.. Packed with promoters of broadband.. Saw an "ang mo" promoter. First time seeing one in PC Fair loo.. The prices of the things there are not that cheap either.. The devices that I am interested in are the "smile shutter function" of the latest sony cybershot. It will take a picture when it detects a face with a smile... If group photo then, I wonder how many pictures will it take.

Another device is the HP touchscreen laptop, which Yeun Yi has one also!! That guy won't let us try with the stylus!!

By the way, I met my friend from my secondary school!!

Graduation Party @ Nagomi Shabu-Shabu, Menara Hap Seng
It is not actually a graduation party. We have this party because everyone of us passed our tax paper in CAT. Our lecturer Ms Joyce promised us a party if we done so. Mr Teo sponsored RM30 for each person too. THANK YOU!!

The food for the night

