Garbage Enzyme

Recently, my mum tried to produce Garbage Enzyme from the kitchen waste such as the skin of the fruits, some vege bla bla bla.... Its waste ok.. She learnt this from her friend and I was wondering how can a solution, created by adding waste and sugar, can be used to clean the floors, windows etc..including your own body. So, I googled about it and the results.

Indeed this enzyme has many advantages. It saves our Mother Earth by releasing ozone.O3, surprisingly.. It also saves our money on buying plastic bags for the waste? Nah.. there are other benefits of it because usage of it are:
  • Natural household cleaner;
  • air purifier;
  • deodoriser;
  • insecticide;
  • detergent;
  • body care;
  • car care;
  • organic fertiliser
  • etc....

Aim: To produce Garbage Enzyme.

Hypothesis: Garbage enzyme brings the benefit stated above.

Materials: Sugar(brown sugar), water, fruit and vegetables. not oily food!!!

Apparatus: Air tight plastic container

  1. Add the sugar, fruit dreg and water into a plastic container with a ration of 1 : 3 : 10. Leave some space as some gases will be produced during the fermentation.
  2. Tighten the cover of the container and leave it for 3 months.
  3. Open it once in few weeks to release the gases formed to prevent the pressure from damaging the container.
  4. Place it at a cool place. Avoid sunlight.
  5. 3 months later, ready to be used.
Gas produced? Unknown gas is produced.
Usefulness of the enzyme? Unable to test.

Conclusion: Since the gas produced and the usefulness of it cannot be identified and tested, further research is needed. Hypothesis is left on hold till further research.

LoL.. Sorry guys. This experiment thing just came to my mind. For more information, click HERE...

For the usage of this enzyme of body care and as a vegewash, I don't dare to try it... For those who tried, please tell me the result.. Thanks..